Haiku beyond Earth「天上俳句会」Haiku by Vladislava Simonova (4)

Haiku by Vladislava Simonova (Ukraine)

Пишу на песке.

Вновь утащила волна

хайку в дальний путь.


Writing on the sand –

and again a wave drives my haiku

So far away.



Winner of JAL Foundation Award(JAL財団賞) https://www.jal-foundation.or.jp/en/ in the Russian section of the 7th Japan-Russia Haiku Contest 2018.

HAIKU to Akita’s “Haiku Beyond Earth”

Oh little bird, 

I’m begging you, build your nest 

near my window



Hurricane has been gone — 

dropped trees 

are still green



Petals are shaking — 

my dad is holding 

the bouquet



In the parents’ house 

I wiped my hands 

with the guest towel




My window view 

indeed could be 

not mine at all.



Winter cress flowers. 

And how enormous is 

the sky above us!..



All the trenches 

will be necessarily 

covered with grass…



Along with 

the air alarm I hear 

the dogs’ howl



isn’t the moon 

lonely during the curfew?..



A big cloud 

bit an edge 

of the full moon


Note: Short Japanese Poetry of 17 phonetic Units of 5, 7, 5 Pattern

Inspired by ten English haiku by Vladislava Simonova, Hidenori Hiruta translated them literally into ten Japanese short poems first of all.

As a result, the interpretative Japanese poems of 5, 7, 5 pattern are added to the English haiku as above. Some of them might be haiku(俳句), and others senryū(川柳).  

Surprisingly, three of the English haiku were interpreted into Japanese tanka (短歌) poetry of 5,7,5,7,7 pattern. This is because English is different from Japanese.  


Vladislava Simonova was born on March 23, 1999 in Kharkiv into a family of a soldier and a teacher. She graduated from art school in the violin class and was interested in writing poetry and photography since her school days.

When she was hospitalized for heart disease at the age of 14, she found a book of Japanese poetry in her room, which prompted her to start writing haiku.

At the age of 18, she won the top prize in the student division of an international haiku contest held in Akita City, Japan.

Since 2019, her haiku have been featured in the Akita International Haiku Network and in the e-journal Serow (Kamoshika).

Vladislava’s haiku were included in the book 『俳句が伝える戦時下のウクライナ』, or Ukraine during wartime as conveyed through haiku: Interviews with seven Ukrainian citizens, published by Gendaishokan in Japan in July 2023.

With the support of the Ukrainian Embassy in Japan, her first haiku collection, 『ウクライナ、地下壕から届いた俳句』 , or Ukraine, Haiku from the Underground Shelter: The Wings of a Butterfly, was published by Shueisha International in August 2023.

In April 2024, her second haiku collection, 『俳句 ウクライナから日本へ 297歩』, or Haiku: From Ukraine to Japan, 297 Steps, was published by Rekishi Tanbosha in Japan.

Vladislava appeared on NHK’s ETV Special:『戦禍の中の俳句』, or HAIKU in the midst of war and NHK’s Document 20 min.: 『ウクライナ 俳句交換日記』, or Ukraine   Haiku Exchange Diary.

Her haiku have also been put in various newspapers and online media, including Chunichi Shimbun, Kyodo News, Akita Sakigake Shimpo, Yomiuri Shimbun, Asahi Shimbun, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, San-in Chuo Shimpo and so on.

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